Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'll be semen ya....

With the exception of Boxing, the championships (NFL, NBA, etc.) and an occasional street race (lol) I'm not really a sports fan so I find it odd that I am discussing an athlete at all. More so It’s rare that I'm discussing a runner....and even more rare that I'm talking about a female runner. But the recent accomplishments of A South African runner, Caster Semenya have intrigued me and the social implications and ramifications stemming from the inquiry quite simply, fascinate me. If you're not up on what I'm talking about,

"Semenya participated in the 2008 World Junior Championships, and won the gold in the 800 m at the 2008 Commonwealth Youth Games with a time of 2:04.23.In the 2009 African Junior Championships she won both the 800 m and 1500 m races with the times of 1:56.72 and 4:08.01 respectively. With that race Semenya improved her 800 m personal best by seven seconds in less than nine months, including four seconds in that race alone.

The 800 m time was the world leading time in 2009 at that date. It was also a national record, championship record, and a personal best by almost four seconds. Semenya simultaneously beat the Senior and Junior South African records held by Zelda Pretorius at 1:58.85, and Zola Budd at 2:00.9, respectively.

Semenya won gold in the 800 m at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics with a time of 1:55.45 in the final, again setting the fastest time of the year." -Wikipedia

Now because she made such drastic improvements in so little time, handily dispatched the competition and shattered world records they want to rescind her titles not because she has been using some performance enhancing drug,,,, No no no they want to make sure she's not a man....What? That's right they want to do a series of complex test on her to see if she has something genetically masculine about her that gives her an unfair advantage.

Ok up front when I first saw her I said looks like a feller to me ...But....I said let me find a video clip...and see her in action....Oh my,It was breathtaking...and then I heard the interview....and the tonal quality in her voice clicked a switch in my head. That’s a MAN: CASE CLOSED. Then my mind flooded with "things that make you go hmmmmmm"

DISCLAIMER: Reading some of this stuff may make your head explode. If you feel your blood pressure increasing, feel your heart quickening or your eyeballs bulging. Click the little red X in the top right hand corner of the screen. I'm not responsible for your cessation.

That being said...Ok if they decide she's a man does she then get to check the [M] box on the job application? Driver’s license? Police report?

If she gives birth to a child does the baby then have two fathers?

Because she fathered the child with a man does that make her homosexual? Or if she decided to date women does that make her heterosexual?

And then I began to think of the moral implications ....more hmmms...

God don't make mistakes so regardless of what I think I know she is just like he wanted her to be.

She was born a girl, lived as a girl and matured into a young woman.

Who is the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) to question God's Work?

Who is mankind to question Gods work?

Why is it that the same religious community that has vocally weighed in so heavily on gender related issues for decades so clinically silent on this issue that has so many direct ramifications to the philosophy they have been conveying?......hmmmmm

Ok then the floodgates opened ...What about the rest of us??

Apparently very few of us have had their gender "tested!" You see normally when we come out of the womb we are assigned a gender based on if we have an "outtie" or an "innie." F$#!K This ain't fair ....That means I could potentially wind up with a "shim !!!" and worse yet never even know it !!!

I know to “check the neck,” but does that hair on her lip or on her chin make her a him?

Perhaps those guys that grow up wearing their mom’s shoes, dresses and makeup are actually gals and didn’t know it because they hadn't been tested!!!

If they did get tested and it was discovered they were actually genetically girls would they then be accepted by society?

If they dated men could, they be considered a heterosexual couple? Could they then get "married" and provide their gender test as proof that they with "franks and beans” are actually a woman?

Would the rest of us still stand in judgment of Gods work? hmmmmmmmmmm

I repeat I do not like sports in general., I prefer my hobbies to games and I don't really like "hanging with the boys" I prefer the intimate company of a woman....hmmm might a gender test confirm me a lipstick lesbian encased in this good looking, well endowed masculine frame? LOL LOL LOL

This is makin’ my head hurt LOL. Now I don't know exactly what the gender test of Caster will show... but it does emphasize that as a society we place a lot of emphasis on gender. The results should raise new questions for us. I offer no solution only more questions, but I am certain of something that cannot and will not change. We are all human beings and need to learn to appreciate each other for the individuals we each are. We need to accept each other for the individuals we each are and we cannot stand in judgment of Gods work. His mentality is our mystery and the manifestation of mystery is inquisitive not exclamatory. Caster Semenya regardless is a Champion. Perfect in Gods eyes, not to be judged by mans eyes not only for the performance on the track, but also for the questions she makes us ask ourselves.