Friday, February 27, 2009

Sticks and Stones.....

There has been a lot of animosity over the recent posting of a cartoon by the NY Post that not only painted a disparaging picture for America....but also for the way the rest of the world sees us. We have come a long way ...and at the same time ....not so much. The conspiracy theorist , charlatans, race-baiters, activist and the like all came to pay homage in their respective way and we have heard calls from apologies, to the freedom of speech to job termination's and sanctions from people like Reverend Al..... Most recently even Musician and apparently politcal activist John Legend has written an open letter to the editor regarding this suddenly ubiquitous cartoon.... Thank goodness Uncle Rupert decided to make an unprecedented apology for this heinous hideous image presented by his media storefront.... and I hope this issue will once again find darkness instead of light.

I was talking to someone this morning about this and they said something that made me ponder.... "if Obama isn’t concerned about it we shouldn’t be either," I tend to agree with this analysis. I think from a race baiting perspective, this is a elementary attempt to divide the nation and re-conquer it. I was equally as appalled as everyone else when I first saw this detestable rendering, but as I ponder it more. I think we should go back to sticks and stones…. While J. legend does a good job of voicing his opinion….Which he does eloquently ….but it’s just his opinion… and everyone has one, including the fascist editor and the Klan loving cartoonist (asshole that he may be, LOL …. I don’t know him but that’s just my opinion). The Al Sharpton’s of the world have a distinct and exacting gift of inciting and escalating distractions to the level where they become the issue, when what they are, they should remain,….distractions we should ignore. The mission we have is too great to be plundered by the onslaught of distractions that are sure to come in the very near future… We need to react to these poignant distractions with an all to effective “Obama Cool.” Trust me it will incense the haters far more than a hate response will. We as a nation are in a dire situation and we as a whole should be focused on the real issues that are affecting our nation right now… The ECONOMY and supporting our new presidents ambitious and comprehensive initiatives…. Sticks and stones may break our bones but these petulant, childish, bigoted, ignorant, racist, inciting names should no longer hurt us…… Cream always rises to the top…. Just my humble opinion….

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Accepting others as we want to be accepted

I guess no ones perfect least of all I cant really criticize.... It takes all kinds in different situations......we gotta learn to accept the good with the bad.... As long as a person isn't trying to do me any harm....I can love them as God wants us too....What we say and do arent nearly as important as who we are......brothers and sisters in Christ. I have an overdeveloped sense of humor sometimes....and my brother can attest....I have some Joe Biden Gaffes sometimes.... I manage somehow accidentally to unknowingly say the exact wrong thing at precisely the wrong time.... and not have a clue that what I said was's one of my flaws that I can work on and work on and work on that I can never seem to fix.... do you have some that you are aware of that you'd like to share?