Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Accepting others as we want to be accepted

I guess no ones perfect least of all me...so I cant really criticize.... It takes all kinds in different situations......we gotta learn to accept the good with the bad.... As long as a person isn't trying to do me any harm....I can love them as God wants us too....What we say and do arent nearly as important as who we are......brothers and sisters in Christ. I have an overdeveloped sense of humor sometimes....and my brother can attest....I have some Joe Biden Gaffes sometimes.... I manage somehow accidentally to unknowingly say the exact wrong thing at precisely the wrong time.... and not have a clue that what I said was innapropriate.....it's one of my flaws that I can work on and work on and work on that I can never seem to fix.... do you have some that you are aware of that you'd like to share?


  1. What you've said is so true
    ;] MRs.Nina Kat

  2. haha, this is cute shot! he did it in public. visit my site http://janyen.blogspot.com and http://cookingwithyen.blogspot.com

  3. Dude... what did you do?
